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Lost thoughts: timing

things work out when you least expect. I’m not talking about love, money or jobs although maybe this rings true for all these as well. I think friendships.

In your life you come across a lot of people; jobs, school, dogs, cousins friends. People come and go in your life. And you know what that’s okay. I like it how people brush in and out your life at different points. I’m learning to see things not as permanent but to enjoy things in the moment.

You don’t know who might come into your life next and how you’ll click with people. Some people are just good for you and you for them. Others it’s a one way street. You might leave someone worse off than when you met them or vice a versa. There’s always a chance to learn something for better or for worse. You should always try and take an opportunity or meeting someone if you want to, you never know what might happen.